

verb \ˈjəj\

: to form an opinion about (something or someone) after careful thought

: to regard (someone) as either good or bad

law : to make an official decision about (a legal case)


Full Definition of JUDGE

transitive verb
:  to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises
:  to sit in judgment on :  try
:  to determine or pronounce after inquiry and deliberation
:  govern, rule —used of a Hebrew tribal leader
:  to form an estimate or evaluation of; especially :  to form a negative opinion about <shouldn't judge him because of his accent>
:  to hold as an opinion :  guess, think <I judge she knew what she was doing>
intransitive verb
:  to form an opinion
:  to decide as a judge
judg·er noun

Origin of JUDGE

Middle English juggen, from Anglo-French juger, from Latin judicare, from judic-, judex judge, from jus right, law + dicere to decide, say — more at just, diction
First Known Use: 13th century

Synonym Discussion of JUDGE

infer, deduce, conclude, judge, gather mean to arrive at a mental conclusion. infer implies arriving at a conclusion by reasoning from evidence; if the evidence is slight, the term comes close to surmise <from that remark, I inferred that they knew each other>. deduce often adds to infer the special implication of drawing a particular inference from a generalization <denied we could deduce anything important from human mortality>. conclude implies arriving at a necessary inference at the end of a chain of reasoning <concluded that only the accused could be guilty>. judge stresses a weighing of the evidence on which a conclusion is based <judge people by their actions>. gather suggests an intuitive forming of a conclusion from implications <gathered their desire to be alone without a word>.

Sir Thomas More is the first writer known to have used both infer and imply in their approved senses (1528). He is also the first to have used infer in a sense close in meaning to imply (1533). Both of these uses of infer coexisted without comment until some time around the end of World War I. Since then, senses 3 and 4 of infer have been frequently condemned as an undesirable blurring of a useful distinction. The actual blurring has been done by the commentators. Sense 3, descended from More's use of 1533, does not occur with a personal subject. When objections arose, they were to a use with a personal subject (now sense 4). Since dictionaries did not recognize this use specifically, the objectors assumed that sense 3 was the one they found illogical, even though it had been in respectable use for four centuries. The actual usage condemned was a spoken one never used in logical discourse. At present sense 4 is found in print chiefly in letters to the editor and other informal prose, not in serious intellectual writing. The controversy over sense 4 has apparently reduced the frequency of use of sense 3.



law : a person who has the power to make decisions on cases brought before a court of law

: a person who decides the winner in a contest or competition

: a person who makes a decision or judgment

Full Definition of JUDGE

:  one who judges: as
a :  a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court
b often capitalized :  a tribal hero exercising leadership among the Hebrews after the death of Joshua
c :  one appointed to decide in a contest or competition :  umpire
d :  one who gives an authoritative opinion
e :  critic
judge·ship \-ˌship\ noun

Origin of JUDGE

Middle English juge, from Anglo-French, from Latin judex
First Known Use: 14th century
JUDGE[2] Defined for Kids


verb \ˈjəj\

Definition of JUDGE for Kids

:  to form an opinion after careful consideration <I judged the distance badly.>
:  to act with authority to reach a decision (as in a trial)
:  think 1 <What do you judge is the best solution?>
:  to form an opinion of in comparison with others <She judged pies at the fair.>

Word Root of JUDGE

The Latin word jus, meaning law or rights, and its form juris give us the roots jus and jur. Words from the Latin jus have something to do with law. A juror is a person who decides the facts of a case in a court of law. A jury is a group of jurors. When a decision in a court is just, it is fair and right and agrees with the law. Even the first two letters of judge, to form an opinion about whether something follows the law and is right, come from jus.



Definition of JUDGE for Kids

:  a public official whose duty is to decide questions brought before a court
:  a person appointed to decide in a contest or competition
:  a person with the experience to give a meaningful opinion :  critic <He's a good judge of talent.>


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